I’m a Transformational HR Business Partner

but here’s another way of looking at it.

At ground roots,

I help small businesses improve their employee experience so their people can thrive and business can boom.

Using a mix of lived experience, creativity and forward thinking I help businesses with the big people issues such as managing high sickness absence and facilitating return to work programmes, conflict resolution, change management and chaotic systems.

When a business is dealing with problems like these, they usually turn to someone like me to help solve the problem, and solve it quickly.

But you don’t have to wait until there’s a problem that’s threatening to take down your whole business to reach out for help.


If you intentionally create a positive work environment,

you’ll reduce and prevent problems like these from happening in the first place. And you’ll attract top talent. In today’s market, the most talented people aren’t just looking for the highest paycheck. They’re looking for the best places to work.

I tend to attract organisations

that really care about their people and have strong values and ethics.  And that’s what I absolutely love to do – Help businesses create exceptional work environments by being human focused.

I help people be better, and do better, achieving personal and strategic goals.  Whether I’m working with managers, teams or individuals I give you the tools and techniques you need to inspire and deliver high and sustainable business performance. I challenge, support, guide and mentor to help you develop, self-motivate and manage, working with purpose and facing change with confidence.

I champion best practice –

one quick fix doesn’t pave the way for a long and healthy future, so I take a holistic approach, looking at current functions and performance – what works, what doesn’t – to get the bigger picture. Tell me your vision of success and I’ll help you design a roadmap Your People Map for change that’s fit for the task.